4 Reasons Your Business Needs A Website

As an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you may be part of those who think there is no need to have a website for your business.

Perhaps you’re in the generation that didn’t grow up with computers, you don’t use a computer so you think your customers don’t use computers.

You may also think that since you are not tech-savvy, why bother to get a website since you cannot manage it yourself.

Some already established business owners rely on word of mouth and they think they are doing quite well so they do not need a website.

The fact is, there are several reasons why your business needs a professional website.

Outlined below are 4 reasons your business needs a professional website.


Statistics show that 81 percent of customers perform an online search before purchasing a product. They visit search engine websites like Google, type in one or more keywords, like “best hair salon” or, if they want to specify a location, “best hair salon in Lekki, Lagos”.

4 Reasons Your Business Needs A Website
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If you don’t have a website for your business, the chances of showing up on the search engine results page (SERP) are zero. But if you have a site, you can optimize it for search engines, thereby increasing your chances of appearing at the top of Google’s results and getting more visibility with potential customers.


Statistics also show that Six out of ten consumers expect brands to provide online content about their business on some form of digital property, and more than half visit the brand’s website for product information. If you don’t have a business website, today’s digitally inclined (and impatient) customers may look elsewhere.


More and more people are searching online for things they want, for solutions to their problems, to compare prices, or just to get some information about a store, restaurant or business before they purchase from them. If you don’t have a website, potential customers will go to your competitors who do, especially if you are a home-based business without an office address.

Having a website will not only provide the information they are looking for, but it will give your business credibility. It says, I am here, I mean business.

Since potential buyers are already looking for you online, including customer testimonials on your site is a great way to impress potential buyers.


Not only can you display your products or outline your services in detail with beautiful images, but you can provide short video tutorials or downloadable PDF instructions to give hesitant customers no reason to go elsewhere to purchase.

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So you see, not having a website is not good for you. Need help setting up a website for your business?  AidTheStudent offers professional web design service plus 24/7 support from in-house experts, as well as guides, video tutorials, and more. click here to check out our professional service. We also offers a free website creation, Click here to check out our free blog setup service.


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