What to take to university checklist

Must Read
Adetunji Matthew
Adetunji Matthewhttp://www.aidthestudent.com
I’m Adetunji Matthew, an Economist, Social Media Manager, software Developer/Marketer Sales Consultant, and Ecompreneur. I’m popularly known as “Matt” As an artist and designer, I aim to create something brilliant daily. Eager to learn more, I use my free time to get better at w hat interests me, whether it's researching, teaching, or even something entirely new.
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Getting admission into a Nigerian Tertiary Institution can be difficult. We all know that, but after getting the admission, preparing for your new life into school, accommodation and how you adapt to your new environment is sure going to be more complicated than you can ever imagine.

That’s why we are bringing out these list of items one might need as a new student in a Nigerian tertiary institution so as to make things easy for you.

You’ve probably arrived at this guide because you’ve nailed your A Level exams (congrats) and university admissions, but realised that your first uni assignment is already due. And the title is:

An investigation into WTF I need to take to university, and what I should leave behind.

Well luckily for you, we’ve done pretty much all the research for you. In fact, we’ve written the draft right here! It probably just needs a few tweaks from you based on your own personal needs…

Things to take to school as a fresher in Nigeria.

What are the list of things you need for University. 

Things to take to school as a fresher in Nigeria is the topic for today. Lol I’m not a teacher o; I know you have been going over the internet for a perfect answer to your questions. Congratulations cos you are on the right page . Just follow me steadily. You should know me for that , I try my best to enlighten students on the necessary thing they need most especially freshers to make their registration and their first year stress free. Hello! Pls I’m not asking you to buy everything listed here o and the thing is you can actually get some of these things after resumption, so check what’s on offer before you go to the market…I’ll advise you start early cos very soon prices will start to go up. You might end up staying on campus with a lot of roommates or even if you are off campus you might share a room with people and you will share things like pots, kettles, frying pans, pegs, and so and so forth. So please don’t pressurize yourself or your parents. Below is a comprehensive list of things to take to school as a fresher. They will be divided into 3 main sections. General, Male and Female.

You said why am I perambulating and making you read this long introduction paragraphs abi?. Sorry jor!.. Oya lets dive into it jor.

Thinking about what to pack

moving to the moon

There are hundreds of things you might want to take to university, but remember: you’re not moving to the moon.

They will have shops where you’re going, and it could be easier (and cheaper) to wait until arriving at university before buying some items.

And while the moon has plenty of space (no pun intended), your new room probably doesn’t.

Taking too much stuff is one of the 14 mistakes every fresher makes in Nigeria. As a rough guide, only take what will fit on the back seats of a car.

General things to take to school as a fresher in Nigeria.

things to take to school as a fresher in Nigeria

Below are the general list of things you need for University life You need 

  • A phone
  • Headset or earpiece to cancel noise
  • Loudspeaker (Inside life! I don’t even have it but almost everyone does)
  • Sunglasses,  
  • You will need documents like,  
  • Passport photos (like 40)
  • Passport or driving licence (for those who own cars)
  • Bank account details (We’ve digested that topic already. if you haven’t read it, Go over now to Best student bank accounts in Nigeria).
  • Address book and email contacts list (don’t look me with one bad eye o! Incase your phone disappears this will save your ass)
  •  Old textbooks and notes -List of phone numbers -Support notification form 
  • Diary or calendar 
  • Doctor and dentist details (for students under treatments)
  • Other university documents like jamb, waec, neco exam certificates.

Read: 10 Best Laptops Features Before Buying In Nigeria

Other things to take to the University hostel include.

packing for school
  •  Cutlery 
  • Corkscrew 
  • Bottle opener 
  • Mugs 
  • Glasses 
  • Wine glasses 
  • Shot glasses (especially for those of you that like to chop life)
  • Kettle (both for boiling and for prayers as a Muslim)
  • Plates 
  • Bowls (for cereal, soup, ice cream, etc) 
  • Small frying or omelette pan 
  • Tin opener(for milk)
  • Chopping board -An extra chopping board if you are cutting meat: this way you avoid food poisoning!!! 
  • Grater/blender – see you can’t go to grind pepper outside everytime so to save stress (save stress? Na to save cash) pls get this its a life saver. Goan read: Tips for saving money at university
  • Wooden spoon/spatula or “orogun” as Yourubas call it. For turning food like eba, porridge etc. I took one crazy spatula like that when I resumed as a fresher, next thing I knew was my neighbors started making jest of me…. But they all still come back to beg me when they need it . lol…
  • Don’t forget food stuffs like 
  • Rice
  • Beans
  • Red oil and groundnut oil
  • GARRI ( LOL don’t ask me why I put in capital letter)
  • Gino
  • Seasoning like maggi, thyme and curry powder
  • Salt
  • Grinded Pepper( especially for yoruba’s. No be me talk am o! I’m a yoruba boy before you bite me and I’m not a pepper freak)
  • Cereals like corn flakes or coco pops or Beverages (if you be “omo baba olowo[OBO]” this isn’t difficult)

Lets forget food and go to school

As a fresher you will need a

  •  Desk lamp (Halogen) 
  • BOOK CHAIR – saves a lot of neck strain if you are making notes out of a big book] 
  • A table (especially for architecture and engineering students you will do technical drawing ehn! The table can be used for eating
  • Dictionary and thesaurus
  • A jotter
  • Ream of printing paper , A4 folders -Pens(a pack will be better), pencils, paper, files, highlighters , Scissors , Sticky tape, note books(some people prefer those heavy and fat books where you can have all your courses written but personally I’ll recommend those 80 leaves books or 40 leaves , they are lighter and you can read better, Stapler (I’m sure you’re gon’ be like what is doing this one now? Lets kuku carry the whole house… Somethings are very important).

Read: How To Study For Long Hours At Night Without Sleeping Off

Other things you’ll need to take to school as a fresh student 

  • Soap for washing and bathing
  • Curtains for your room if youre staying off campus
  • Duvet or wrapper for mosquitoes or cold
  • Mosquito net
  • Cardigans
  • Bed
  • Bed spread
  • Pillow (mhen! I love my pillow guys even fight for my pillow lol…if you ask me why I won’t talk o)
  • Insecticide (don’t carry sniper so you wont be tempted to drink it, Just kidding.)
  • Bath towel
  • Enough drugs incase you suddenly fall ill
  • Toothbrush
  • Toothpaste
  • Air freshener
  • Dustbin or laundry bag ( cleanliness is next to godliness)
  • Alarm
  • Chess, draft etc (don’t let boredom kill you)
  • Light bulb
  • Table or wall fan
  • Clock
  • Matches or lighter
  • Bible or Quran
  • Rosary

Read: How To Study For Long Hours Without Losing Concentration

Things to take to school as a fresher for Guys

What to take to university checklist guy 1

What are the list of things you need for University as a guy  Lets go there niggas! You’ll need

  • MONEY( Dont ask me why o?
  • LAPTOP(I’m nt encouraging yahoo o!!)
  • Yeah you need game pads to play games with your friends using your laptop of course. If you are a blogger like me? PC is needed o! For photo editors too and entrepreneurs you need a laptop
  • Wallet(not empty one ooh that shit is heartbreaking )
  • Football
  • Sports gear 
  • Bike
  • Raincoat 
  • Umbrella 
  • Head warmer/cap
  • Hood
  • Some cool shoes and slip-ons
  • Shampoo
  • Shaving stick
  • Shaving cream
  • Hair brush/comb
  • Condom of course (you don’t want to be a father yet am I right?)

Caution: Be careful o! Don’t say Aiders Boss didn’t warn you, don’t forget God on campus (lol I’m turning to a preacher or motivational speaker..umm)

Guys only you should read this secret oo: 10 Extraordinary Benefits Of Good Thinking

Things to take to school as a fresher for the Ladies

What to take to university checklist 1
  • Make-up kit (if you don’t use make up you will feel like dying it takes courage not to be like others)
  • Perfumes
  • Pads
  • Box of tissues
  • Shower cap
  • Deodorants
  • Shampoo
  • Gel
  • Hair brush
  • Hair spray
  • Lipstick
  • Lipbalm
  • Cool clothes
  • Leg-ins
  • Bum short
  • Wrappers
  • Swim wears
  • Teddy bears
  • Dolls 
  • Water Bottle
  • Baby oil
  • Nail varnish
  • Jewelries
  • Moisturizer
  • Hair removing cream

Caution: you don’t have to be a slave to any guy, sex isnt love and virginity isn’t a crime.

Oya ladies, Quickly goan read this: 8 Steps To Know What You Really Want In Life


What to take to university checklist in nigeeria

What are the packing for uni tips in Nigeria? 

  • Be moderate (don’t carry the whole of your house 😂) 
  • Listen to your parents and listen to your older colleagues who are in the University 
  • Buy everything you need from home, it will save your money for school 
  • Create a list, just like the one I posted above 
  • Pack your things gradually, if you rush.. You might forget important documents 
  • Commit everything in the hands of God 

We’ve created a Google Doc checklist that contains all the items on this page. You can download it, edit the list and then print it off to have with you whilst packing your stuff.

Click the button below where you can find the link within our ‘useful tools‘ page.

Important: Please read the steps at the top of the document on how to download the file!

If you have most of these, you won’t spend much while in the hostel.

Hope you find this useful and congratulations on your admission.



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