Jon Loomer – Demystifying Facebook Business Manager

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Adetunji Matthew
Adetunji Matthew
I’m Adetunji Matthew, an Economist, Social Media Manager, software Developer/Marketer Sales Consultant, and Ecompreneur. I’m popularly known as “Matt” As an artist and designer, I aim to create something brilliant daily. Eager to learn more, I use my free time to get better at w hat interests me, whether it's researching, teaching, or even something entirely new.
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Jon Loomer – Demystifying Facebook Business Manager Download For Free

Jon Loomer – Demystifying Facebook Business Manager
FREE Download – Mega Link
Creator – Jon Loomer

Worth: $497

Topics Covered

What is Business Manager and why did Facebook invent it
Guided, step-by-step process to set up Business Manager the right way
How to efficiently manage your clients and staff using Business Manager
The most common FAQs answered
How Business Manager drives ROI effectively and efficiently
Everything you need to know to master Business Manager accounts, page roles, admin tasks, pixels, billing, and much more!

What You’ll Learn

If you’re spending money on Facebook / Instagram ads but Business Manager has left you feeling confused, overwhelmed, or just generally at a loss of where to even begin, then this webinar series is for you.
In this series, Andrew Foxwell, CEO and Co-Founder of Foxwell Digital, along with Jon Loomer, will personally walk you through all of the features of Facebook Business Manager, why it’s a must do for every business owner/entrepreneur/agency, and how to set up all the various components of Business Manager for long-term success and effective campaigns.
Andrew is not paid by Facebook to promote their ad products – he’s just been advertising on the platform since its inception and he wants you to save your hard-earned time, money, and energy by utilizing the lessons he’s learned over many years.
4-Week Training Program

About Me

This is my opportunity to help you understand the person behind this business. I’m a husband and a father and a coach and a baseball stats nerd. I’m an “accidental marketer” who, having never started his own business, is now living the dream.

I am an open book. As a result, this “About Me” is a bit long! Let’s go…

About Me Personally

I’m a husband and father to three boys in the Denver, Colorado area. While I would never say that marketing and business define me, my immediate family drives my goals and outlook on life.

This family-first perspective drew significant inspiration from the impact childhood cancer has had on us. At the age of 2 1/2, our oldest son Michael was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, a rare form of childhood cancer.

Michael had a golfball-sized tumor lodged between his aorta and spine. The day we learned of his diagnosis was the scariest of our lives. I know that my wife and I will never forget it. Thankfully, Michael was so young he has very few memories of those days.

While Neuroblastoma often presents a challenging prognosis, we were lucky. Michael needed surgery to remove the tumor, but he did not require chemotherapy or radiation. Today, Michael is a very healthy teenager.

That experience resulted in a truly grateful Thanksgiving, and we were forever changed by it. Michael has the physical scars, and we as a family have a new perspective as a result.

My Core Values

This is the most difficult section for me to write “About Me,” but it’s an important one.

First and foremost, I value my family. I value time with them. I value every waking moment seeing my boys grow up and enjoying life with them.

I value evenings and weekends. I value holidays. While some entrepreneurs boast of working around the clock, even when others do not, work is a small part of my life. It will not engulf me.

While I realize the importance of money, I do not obsess over it. I am motivated by building the life I desire with my family far more than any desire for money or fame.

I rarely travel. While I will do the occasional public speaking gig, a life of being constantly on the road is not desirable to me.

I value honesty and authenticity. I dread deception and manipulation. While I understand that selling comes with the job of marketing, it’s never been something I am comfortable with.

It’s why I consider myself an “accidental marketer.” I enjoy the tools, numbers, analysis and strategy of marketing. But I don’t necessarily enjoy the sales side.

My goal for my life and my business is to make a difference. Along the way, I hope to be successful enough to help my family live comfortably while making sure my boys still understand and appreciate different cultures and the value of hard work.


I acquired this for a huge sum of $497 and am giving it to you guys for free not to encourage privacy but i know how hard the economy is on student. Please if you have the money to purchase it, Please do so by going to the sales page download link I’ll be giving below this post to encourage the author.

If link is dead or was taken down, message me on messenger or email

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Jon Loomer – Demystifying Facebook Business Manager Download For Free
Worth: $497
Mega FREE download: Click Here
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