How You Can Finally Fall In Love With Mathematics

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Adetunji Matthew
Adetunji Matthew
I’m Adetunji Matthew, an Economist, Social Media Manager, software Developer/Marketer Sales Consultant, and Ecompreneur. I’m popularly known as “Matt” As an artist and designer, I aim to create something brilliant daily. Eager to learn more, I use my free time to get better at w hat interests me, whether it's researching, teaching, or even something entirely new.
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It has become a continental anthem that mathematics is very difficult. So many persons have already concluded that they can not understand the subject.

Just like chemistry and physics, Mathematics doesn’t need random approach. In my article on how to understand and pass difficult courses, I made the analysis of every subject clear.

The way you handle a subject should be proportional to the nature of the course. Failure to understand this is what makes maths difficult for many students.

Some students even shiver at the mention of the subject “MATHEMATICS”. The truth of the matter is that mathematics is not as difficult as painted. You can actually cure your phobia for mathematics and fall in love with it.

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How To Fall In Love With Mathematics

1. Don’t Be Difficult:

One of the reasons mathematics is still difficult to you is that you still have a fixed mindset towards the course. You have concluded that the course is not your calling. Let me quickly submit to you that your mindset determines your life set.

Until your mind is reset, your life will not be settled. Replace your negative thought towards maths with positive ones.

From today, begin to tell yourself that mathematics is easy, say “I love mathematics”. This is where the love begins.


Apostle Paul expressed dissatisfaction with those in Thessalonica because they never engaged in research.

This is because those in Berea were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that they received the word of God with all readiness of mind and did some research to know whether they have been thought the right thing.

One of the secrets of mathematics scholars is constant practice. The more you practice, the more you will be familiar with the course and the better for you.

Start answering at least one maths question every day. Doing this for two months will bring about a mathematics turn around for you. Constant practice unlocks your potentials.


Have you solved a mathematics  problem up to a point where you are confused? If yes, it is still not enough reason to give up. All you need to do is ask questions; keep on asking questions because their is no law against it.

Even in class, ask your lecturers questions; Persist until you get answers. Tell people your weak point in mathematics so as to enable them help you better.


Once in a while, set questions for yourself and attempt to answer them. You may also want to answer questions from several other maths text books. Just engage yourself in question and answers. When you make mistakes in test, do not be discouraged. Rather, learn from your mistakes.


Absence of mentor is the presence of tormentors. Have someone you look up to in mathematics to inspire you.

There is no where you want to go in life that someone else hasn’t gone to. Meet them and learn from their mistakes you. One reason you should choose a mentor wisely is that your mentor’s weakness becomes your weakness.

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Research shows that when you teach others, you remember 90% of what you have learn’t. Teach others the little you know. This will make you very good at  mathematics. Fall in love with it today and you will never experience a heart break.

Read: How to remember everything you read in the examination


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