How to learn JavaScript online for free

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Adetunji Matthew
Adetunji Matthew
I’m Adetunji Matthew, an Economist, Social Media Manager, software Developer/Marketer Sales Consultant, and Ecompreneur. I’m popularly known as “Matt” As an artist and designer, I aim to create something brilliant daily. Eager to learn more, I use my free time to get better at w hat interests me, whether it's researching, teaching, or even something entirely new.
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A step forward in technology is a step forward in making life easier. The advancement in technology makes life more convenient for humans in every aspect, learning inclusive.

Through the internet, you can learn anything you want to without paying a dime. Be it Database, Cloud Computing, Machine learning, JavaScript, or anything that interests you.

Is it JavaScript that interests you, but you don’t have enough money to take a course? The steps you need to take in having hitch-free JavaScript learning and Websites with free JavaScript tutorials where you can learn Javascript online for free are compiled in this blog post, so read on.

But first…

Steps you should take in learning JavaScript

1. Assess yourself

Before you take that big step toward the incredible world of web development, you should take a little pause and assess yourself.

Think about that decision of yours to learn JavaScript again. Ask yourself questions ranging from  Am I  ready for a 5-6 hours per day lesson? Am I ready for several failures before success? If your answers to these questions are yes, then, you’re good to go!

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2. Get a good PC

Getting a good PC is the next step. Programming is complex and so it requires a good PC to carry out the task.

A good PC is one with Windows 7 or higher software, but the ones most suitable for learning JavaScript are Windows 8, 10, and 11. A MacBook is also a great device for learning JavaScript. 

3. Internet connection

In taking an online course, the internet connection is the second most important thing after getting a PC. You should ensure you have a stable connection to the internet to have hitch-free learning.

Websites to learn JavaScript online for free

Here are websites to learn JavaScript for free online:

1. Codecademy

This is probably the best website to learn JavaScript online and also one of the best ones that offer free tutorials on it. Their step-by-step tutorial system is great for an introduction to programming in JavaScript. 

Though they currently offer a tutorial on Git, Java, and some programming language like CSS and Phyton, they became famous with their interactive JavaScript course to learn online at your own pace.

2. Coursera

Founded by Stanford University Professors – Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller – it’s also one of the best websites that offer free online tutorials on different courses, including JavaScript. 

Coursera’s offering of online courses from Universities, such as the University of London, Stanford University, Imperial College of London, and many more makes it a viable option for learning JavaScript. 

Some of their free JavaScript courses and tutorials include Interactivity with JavaScript and Programming Foundations with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. They also provide you with certification which you can add to your Linkedin profile, though it requires payment.

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This is another great website for learning JavaScript for free. They are known for assisting their students in building real-world projects and also getting their first job as a developer.

It is an awesome website known for its array of interactive tutorials, and community of helpers.

Due to their interest in students’ activities, a Facebook group where you’re free to ask questions and share your learning experience named “freecodecampearth” was created by them.

Also, they have a publication for programming articles and a Youtube channel where lots of their courses on the database, python, Git, and many more are being taught for free in a single video.

4. Code Combat

This is a good example of learning whilst playing. JavaScript can be a good way to increase the functionality of your web page, but learning it on your own can be challenging. 

However, with CodeCombat, your JavaScript learning has been simplified. CodeCombat is a website for students to learn programming while playing a real game.

Their courses have been specifically tested to excel in the classroom, even by teachers with little or no prior programming experience.

The website is most suitable for beginners and students. By following their unique way of teaching, you can learn the basics of JavaScript within a few periods. 

5. Mozilla Developer Network 

This is more like a documentation of programming information that developers can read and learn from.

Unlike The Educative Team and Codecademy, it isn’t interactive, so it’s not recommended for a beginner. But it’s an official website for any JavaScript information, creating time to read it will be beneficial to you. 


Educative is another online learning website known for its text-based and interactive learning courses. If you’re someone who prefers reading to watching videos, this is the website for you. Reading on this website is faster than watching and you will be putting into practice what you learn through their interactive and text-based exercises.

Also, there are some great courses for coding interviews such as Grokking the system design interview, on the website.

7. Udemy

This is another awesome platform for online learning. Their array of free courses and tutorials in all the latest technology, such as Spring, Java, Algorithms, Data Structure, REST, and more, makes them a viable option for beginners in programming.

They also provide cheap paid resources which you can purchase at just $9.99 during their flash sale, which happens frequently.

The website is full of experienced teachers like Jose Marcial, Stephen Grider, and John Purcell.

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8. edX

This website offers lots of free courses, including JavaScript courses. Most of their courses were made by different prestigious universities, like Harvard.

Like Coursera, they also give certificates, and it isn’t free too. You will have to pay some money for it, but it’s a good investment as the certification is issued by top universities like Harvard and MIT.

9. JavaScript 30

This website contains lots of free tutorials and lessons on JavaScript. It also helps you build lots of things with code. Some of their tutorials include Building 30 things in 30 days with 30 tutorials, a 30-day Vanilla Js coding challenge, etc.

10. YouTube videos

Apart from all these websites, YouTube is also one of the sites you can learn JavaScript from. There are some channels on YouTube, like Programming Knowledge, Transversy media, and Web dev simplified. you can learn everything you need to learn about JavaScript on these channels.


If you’re interested in learning JavaScript, but there is a financial constraint on you, and you can’t take a paid course. With these websites, you can become a badass developer by devoting time and effort to its learning.


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