How to find customers on Facebook

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Adetunji Matthew
Adetunji Matthew
I’m Adetunji Matthew, an Economist, Social Media Manager, software Developer/Marketer Sales Consultant, and Ecompreneur. I’m popularly known as “Matt” As an artist and designer, I aim to create something brilliant daily. Eager to learn more, I use my free time to get better at w hat interests me, whether it's researching, teaching, or even something entirely new.
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Have you ever thought about the secret to getting the audience you need on Facebook? Facebook is the biggest social media platform with an assessment of about a billion daily active users and this makes Facebook a vital platform for digital marketing.

Unfortunately, some business owners lack the knowledge on how to utilize the amazingness of Facebook. These business owners might be doing the right thing, but doing it the wrong way.

Facebook is not just to be used for fun all the time. Your customers can also be generated from Facebook, if only you’re able to do the right thing. Facebook Business can also go a long way to help you with this. My best way to get customers online is on Facebook, there are so many other ways but Facebook seems to be my excitement at the moment.

Type of audiences on Facebook

There are various kinds of audiences:

Interested audiences

These are audiences that tend to have a strong interest in your products and services.

They might be your followers or even followers of your competitors

Warm audience

These are visitors to your website and probably those that have bought your products once or a couple of times.

This set of people already knows who you are, and have probably engaged with your Instagram or Facebook page.

Cold audience

You can call this category of audience, the “lookalike audience”. They may or may not like your page. They just keep visiting to see what’s going on. But you know you could intentionally convert them into customers? Of course, you can.

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Why it’s necessary to find your target audience on Facebook

  • The cost for Facebook ads will be reduced.
  • Sharing of your business posts will be encouraged.
  • The number of your referrals will be greatly increased. Etc

How to find customers on Facebook

Here are steps to find customers on Facebook:

1. Identify your target audience

Trying to find customers on Facebook? You need to have your target audience.

Don’t be among the set of scared people that shy away from putting themselves out on the Facebook world, and some people just don’t have an idea on how to go about it.

While identifying your target audience, you need to be very specific. You have to know the kind of people you want to do business with, the things they like, where they live, their gender, and age.

Create a persona that fits into the kind of customers you need. Write down the demographics and your additional notes that best answer the questions you have in mind.

Now check out your Facebook insights to know if the customer demographic profile you took out time to create, actually matches the demographic profiles of the Facebook users that like, share and comment on your Facebook posts.  This is a good approach.

For example, if you are selling makeup products, your main target audience might have to be a certain gender and of a certain age range that are more likely to patronize you.

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2. The right time your target audience uses Facebook

Being able to identify your target audience matters, and yet it’s another thing to know why and when they are active on Facebook. Being able to understand this will help you avoid posting randomly and only posting at the right time.

Compare your target demographics with the number of times they are active, you’ll find favorable patterns that will help you come up with a schedule that will reach the people that are likely to patronize you.

Thankfully, Facebook Pages allow you to schedule posts. So even if their active time is outside your sleeping time, you can schedule posts in advance.

Also Read: How to find customers on Instagram

3. Facebook videos

Facebook videos are such a great marketing strategy that can double and even triple your audience as well as highlight your brand. Videos are undeniably much more effective than images and text. This is because videos attract the attention of your audience and also easily put your brand in the faces of Facebook users.

What you should note here is that the video should not be too long; a short video of about 60 to 90 seconds will do the magic. Make your videos stand out from the others.

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4. Create value

This has to do with the kind of content you put out to your followers and how you interact with them. If you have a good relationship with your followers, you definitely will know what they like and what catches their attention, with this, you will have a good idea of the kind of content to publish.

There’s no one out there that won’t love valuable content. Spend time to make your content unique and up to standard.

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5. Build your Facebook audience

You can do this by making your page easily discoverable. How do you go about this? You could motivate your existing contacts to like your page and also by running paid advertisements.

The importance of creating unique content cannot be over-emphasized. Because your new customers won’t just find you, you need to be delivering quality content before Facebook users even get interested in your brand.

Facebook can be used as a platform to drive traffic to numerous landing pages where visitors are converted into leads. Your content should be aimed at solving the problems of your customers and marketers as well. Don’t forget that your audience can be your potential customers.

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6. Run Facebook ads

Facebook offers varieties of paid advertising options, and these options can be broken down into three types:

Campaigns: This consists of all your assets

Ad sets: This is used when targeting different audiences, you will need a separate individual ad set for each.

Ads: Your main ads are within your ad sets.

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How to run Facebook ads

  1. Create an account with Facebook ads Manager
  2. Start the creation of your ad
  3. Choose the right audience
  4. Set your estimated budget
  5. Create your ad
  6. Monitor your ad’s performance
  7. Report your ad performance

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7. Acquire more customers with advertising

There is no longer a thing as a free launch on Facebook. Before, marketers were always able to reach a good number of their fans without advertising, but that’s transforming.

Facebook is now more of a paid marketing social media platform than an organic one. The capacity of a brand to reach its fan base organically has been decreased as more brands are seriously competing to appear in the Newsfeed of their users.

At any moment, there are about 1,500 Newsfeed stories that are competing against one another. And guess what? The Facebook algorithm only prioritizes about 300 of these stories. That’s highly competitive. This is why the brands that want to get noticed, have no other choice but to spend.

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8. Incorporate Facebook into your online and offline communication medium

The absolute process of making your Facebook page easily accessible involves being able to enhance your Facebook presence with the use of both online and offline marketing channels. You just need to try both of them out, because you don’t know which of them will give you ultimate results yet.

You could place stickers in front of your store if you have a physical store. And if you have a website or a blog, you could make use of Facebook’s numerous social Plugins – most especially the Like Button, to get people to like your page on the spot and not have to log into Facebook.

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Facebook is a popular social media platform that has been monetized. Have an engagement goal for every post you make on Facebook. Take out time to develop good visuals too.

With every Facebook post you come up with, you should be able to solve people’s problems.


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