How to expand your business into international markets

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Adetunji Matthew
Adetunji Matthew
I’m Adetunji Matthew, an Economist, Social Media Manager, software Developer/Marketer Sales Consultant, and Ecompreneur. I’m popularly known as “Matt” As an artist and designer, I aim to create something brilliant daily. Eager to learn more, I use my free time to get better at w hat interests me, whether it's researching, teaching, or even something entirely new.
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Businesses all over the world offer products or services to varying customers through varying means. To reach a wide range of customers, businesses employ tactics that would aid their products or services in delving into international markets. 

The gains at which businesses derive from international trade cannot be overemphasized with smaller countries benefiting the most from the trend. Most businesses offer these services in international markets to increase their sales possibilities and to maintain a balance in the market. 

This article offers all there is to know on how businesses can expand to international markets.

Impact of international trade on Businesses

International trade has existed from time immemorial with significant exports from countries dating back to the time of Christ. International trade occurs when there is an exchange of goods and services between two or more countries. As identified by experts, no country is an isle on its own and must depend on other countries to succeed in business, hence the existence of international trade. 

The benefits of international trading to businesses are inexhaustive. Businesses can leverage the possibility of reaching a larger market. The international market can also offer businesses a possible hint at the shift in the style in which the business is to attract customers in the long and short run. Also, the international market offers foreign currency to business owners at a swift pace; this advantage allows the business to leverage on the gains of having foreign liquidity readily available to the business.

How to expand to the international market

Businesses must adopt varying policies and styles when seeking to advance to the international market and trade on a larger platform. Below are some of the guides to follow when seeking to expand to the international market as a business.

1. Market research and analysis

Businesses must conduct effective and efficient market research and analysis when entering international markets. The possibility of the business conducting market research makes the expansion to the international market a smooth process with little or no encumbrance. 

Businesses must identify and study market trends, international and local competition, potential roadblocks and strategies adopted at the international level to clearly understand the demand for the product or service delivered in the country targeted. Also, the country’s cultural, religious and political differences must be considered; for instance, it would be a mistake to expand a liquor business to a Middle-Eastern country. Other areas worth exploring are the local preferences, the legal implications as well as the necessary regulatory requirements that can impact the operations of the business. 

Also Read: How to start a small business: A step-by-step guide

2. Adapt the products or services to the nation

The next step is for the business to adapt its products or services to the usual trend of the nation it intends to expand to. This allows the business to effectively penetrate the international market, businesses can customize their products or services in varying styles that meet cultural and social preferences. Businesses must evaluate the features of their products from packaging, branding and pricing of the product. All necessary adjustments to meet the demands of the public must also be met. 

For instance, in Nigeria, products in sachets sell faster than products contained in large containers, the opposite is the case for the United States or other Western economies, a business domicile in a Western nation would ordinarily want to rebrand its products to sachet packaging to penetrate the Nigerian market. To succeed in the international market, businesses must ensure that their products or services are appealing to the customers in the target nation, this can be done through feedback collection, engaging with the local community and gaining insight through local employees. 

Also Read: How to retain customers in your business

3. Create strategic partnerships

Having strategic partners or connections in the target market is vital for a business when seeking to expand to the international market. Businesses must leverage the knowledge of the market by the local consultant or partner in the target country. Businesses can also establish connections with local enterprises or distributors, this allows businesses the opportunity to access the international market more effectively and stress-free. 

When seeking partners, businesses must identify persons with a significant understanding of the target nation’s local market, the well-established distribution networks and the substantial client base in the nation. Having the business partner with the local community assists it in navigating cultural complexities, legislative constraints, and supply chain issues and adopting a standard consumer relationship strategy for the business.

Also Read: How to manage cash flow in your small business

4. Building a strong global supply chain

Developing a solid global supply chain is important for international growth. Investigate logistics, transportation, warehousing, and distribution options and select trusted partners that can ensure on-time delivery and effective inventory management.

Investigate import and export restrictions, customs clearance, and cultural challenges that may affect the supply chain. Have open lines of contact with all partners and establish effective supply chain management procedures.


Expanding into international markets opens several opportunities for growth, increased income, and diversification. It allows you to reach out to new clientele, gain access to a larger consumer base, and gain a competitive advantage.

Accessing international markets, on the other hand, necessitates considerable planning, research, and understanding of the unique cultural, economic, and legal aspects of each target location. In this comprehensive tutorial, we covered the critical phases of successfully expanding your business into international markets.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a business expand with small capital?

Yes, businesses with small capitals must have a budget to pull through the difficulties and spending limitations when seeking to expand to the international market, the business must be decisive and clear as to the amount it wants to spend on its proposed expansion and should also make clear indications on how each sum would be spent.

What to look out for in the legal framework of a country?

When seeking to expand a business, businesses must look at the procedures for registering businesses in the target market. The business should also look at specific regulations relating to its industry as well as specifications as to the legal requirement for content, packaging and general service delivery.


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