Monday, January 20, 2025

Mystery Box

Is a Dog’s Mouth Really Cleaner Than a Human’s?

Comparing a dog's mouth with a human's mouth is sort of like comparing apples and oranges—really filthy apples and really filthy oranges. Both species' mouths are hot, damp places teeming with roughly equal populations of bacteria. Neither would be...

Do Animals Dream?

If you’ve ever seen a cat wiggling around in its sleep, or come across three different-sized beds after eating porridge in a bear family’s inexplicably furnished home, you’ve probably wondered if animals are capable of dreaming. Theirs might not...

Where Did the 8 Glasses of Water A Day Myth Come From? By Chris Gayomali We have all been told at some point that proper hydration requires us to consume eight glasses of water a day. That works out to about two liters, which is an awful lot of fluid, considering the...

What is the Origin of Twerking?

From the Charleston to the Twist to the Hustle, dance fads have always served to define their decade—though not without raising a few eyebrows from older generations. In fact, the disapproval of popular dance fads often seems as quintessentially...

Why Does the Road Look Wet on Hot Days?

Reader Robert wrote in to say, “As I drive across the Panhandle of Texas, I am wondering why the highway looks wet and shiny off in the distance but normal as one gets closer.” For the same reason that cartoon...

What Causes Nightmares? When you're waking up from a nightmare, your first question might be, “Was that a bagel chasing me through my house with a sledgehammer?” And after the shock of dreaming about a homicidal, anthropomorphic breakfast dish wears off, your...

Why Do Students Dissect Frogs?

There are many surgeons who say that they first discovered their life’s passion standing over a dissected frog in a middle or high school biology class. But, apart from inspiring the medical professionals of tomorrow, what is the purpose...

Why Do We Lie?

By Chris Gayomali The answer to the question "Why do we lie?" seems fairly obvious: The truth is messy, inconvenient, and a time-consuming pain to untangle. Hence, the existence of little white lies: "I'm on my way!" when really you're...

What’s the Difference between Churches, Chapels, and Cathedrals? For every world religion, there is a place to worship. For Christianity, there are a confusing variety of names for these places, which are frequently—but incorrectly—used interchangeably. Church, chapel, and cathedral are the trio of terms most commonly used...

How Many Languages is it Possible to Know? There are millions of people, even in the mostly monolingual US, who speak more than one language at home. Competence in three languages is not unusual, and we've all heard stories of grandmas and grandpas who had to master...
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How to achieve financial freedom in 2025

Unless you are currently a billionaire, you understand quite well how hard money is to make and how easy it...
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