Benefits of email marketing for businesses

Benefits of email marketing for businesses

No doubt, email marketing has been one of the oldest and most cost-effective marketing strategies used by top brands and organizations to reach their target audience and promote their businesses.

Research from Adobe reveals that millennials spend about 6.4hours a day going through their email which shows the strong power it possesses in influencing buyers’ decisions.

Email marketing provides a more reliable way of communicating with your customer and building a good rapport with them, however, some marketers are still yet to understand the power of this marketing method. 42% of business-to-business (B2B) email newsletters confirm email marketing as being an effective tool responsible for their content marketing success.

Also with email marketing, you take people who have subscribed to your email list from being strangers to being customers. 

Benefits of email marketing for companies

If you are looking to deploy this form of marketing as part of your marketing strategies, here are the benefits your business stand to bet from it:

1. Brand Recognition

If you are looking for a better way of developing your brand identity, email marketing is one of the best. Some of the most popular recognizable brands in the world today grew and are still growing their brands strategically using the power of brilliant and well-curated email.

A typical example is Spotify, all their emails are excellent and direct. 

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2. Create targeted and personalized content

Email marketing enables the creation of targeted and personalized content that captures customers’ attention. You might have received an email with your contact name on it even though you might not know the sender physically, that’s personalization. A personalized email has more magnetic power in making sure your mail is being read by the target audience.

What makes email marketing more appealing is that you can create individualized content based on a segmented audience. This means you can split your audience into groups and send the right mail to the right audience. 

Some emails are not meant for the general audience which is why having segmented lists is a necessity. An email campaign is only successful when the right message is sent to the right audience.

3. It provides value to the target audience 

One of the beauties of email marketing is sorting out the audience and ensuring the constant creation of content to turn the craving audiences into recurring customers. The main goal of a business is to provide value constantly for the customer so that they keep patronizing.

With email marketing, you can build loyal customers because you can add value even when the audience hasn’t even made a purchase.

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4. Generation of traffic to the company’s website

There are numerous ways to generate traffic to a website, and part of the most effective way is email marketing. This involves the use of bait in ensuring the audience clicks on the relevant link to your website within your email content. With that, you can get more customers to visit your website and even spend more time there. 

Your website will improve greatly with this method which will also lead to improvement in site SEO. For example, a digital company could send mail to their audience to let them know about the availability of the new product and attach a link to their website where relevant content can be found to explain more to the customers. 

However, a clear CTA (Call To Action) must be inputted to enable your audience to take action. A social sharing button can also be included in the emails so that the content can be shared across social media platforms.

5. Increase sales

The hidden secret known only to top organizations maximizing the use of email marketing is the generation of more sales. It provides an avenue for impulse buying from customers. According to the marketing week, email marketing generates close to $38 billion annually. Furthermore, over 59% of marketers confirm email marketing as their biggest source of revenue. 

Customers become more Impulsive when they see an email about a product that profers solutions to their problem at a discounted price. You can influence customers to make another purchase through your email in the following way:

I. Highlight your products that are selling fast alongside the products customers bought.

ii. List similar products to the customer’s past purchase.

iii. Create a discounted offer for a product that people will love to buy.

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6. It builds strong customer relationship

It’s nearly impossible to engage or interact with all your audience personally or by call, hence, email marketing bridges that gap by helping you build a stronger relationship with your customer. Another strategy is by setting up a drip marketing campaign where you interact with the customers up till the final conversion stage.

A drip marketing campaign entails providing value to the audience constantly so that your brand will always be the one they will patronize when they are about to make buying decisions. The process helps smooth out the whole buyer’s journey.

7. Builds authority

It is the desire of every company to be seen as an expert in the industry. Even though making your target audience begin to see you as an authority requires hard work and consistency, email marketing makes it a bit easier. That’s because email marketing gives you the chance to start dishing out value to your audience consistently through programmed emails.  

In no time, when your prospects see you as an authority in your field, you will become their go-to person.

8. Your mailing list is yours!

A mailing list is yours and yours alone. The reach of your emails doesn’t depend on Google or social media. That is very important!

After all, Google is constantly changing its algorithm. As a result, you can never be sure of a place on the first page of the search results.

Social media is also constantly changing their terms and algorithms. As a result, your range can be greatly reduced from one day to the next.

But with a mailing list you can always reach your target audience . Only the reader decides whether he wants to read your e-mail or not. Not Google. Not Facebook.

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Building an email list is very essential for every company as it helps them stay on top of their audience’s minds and also increase sales.

You should consider using email marketing for your company’s productivity too.


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